If Your Snoring is Keeping Your Sleep Partner Up All Night, It’s Time for a Mouth Guard

Take care of snoring with a mouth guard.

Don’t let a partner’s snoring keep you from a good night’s sleep.

Do you have a sleep partner who snores? Is it keeping you up at all hours of the night? Snoring can disrupt healthy sleep for the snorer and their partner, and sleep deprivation is a real side effect. The fatigue can affect day-to-day activities because of the lack of sleep, and that can cause tension in your sleeping relationship. Don’t blame each other for the lack of sleep. Instead, consider getting the snorer an oral appliance, like the PX3 mouth guard. It can provide everyone a little peace at night and improve your sleep.

The Impact of Snoring on Sleep Quality

Snoring may seem like just an inconvenience for anyone in the same room as the person who is snoring, but it can affect more than just sleep quality.

Snoring happens because of restricted airways. As someone falls asleep, the tissues that make up the nasal passage and the back of the throat relax, causing their airway to narrow. This can cause the tissues to rub against each other as the person breathes; it makes a vibration, which comes out as a snoring noise. Sometimes this restriction of air can jolt a snorer awake, which can make getting a full night of sleep nearly impossible.

Adults, on average, should be getting about eight hours of undisturbed sleep per night, so when someone is snoring, or the sleep partner is awakened by the snoring, it can lead to everyone feeling fatigued the next day. Some people get angry and annoyed when they haven’t gotten a complete night’s rest, and that can cause them to be unpleasant toward others.

How can a mouth guard help?

At Dallas Cosmetic Dental, we offer the PX3 mouth guard. It is a custom-made oral appliance that is worn in the mouth at night while you sleep. It helps to keep the airways open and prevents any kind of obstruction that can cause a person to snore. The mouth guard is designed for the wearer’s comfort, as well as effectiveness, so sleep partners and snorers can get a good night’s rest.

What are the benefits of choosing the PX3 mouth guard?

The best thing about the PX3 mouth guard is that it is customized to fit each person. The custom fit allows the person wearing it to be able to breathe easily and helps to prevent snoring by keeping a person’s airways open.

But the benefits of the PX3 don’t stop there. The PX3 mouth guard can be used for people who suffer from teeth grinding—bruxism. When wearing a mouth guard at night, the teeth can’t grind against each other because the mouth guard acts as a buffer between the upper and lower teeth. Bruxism patients have reported jaw pain, including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain. In some cases, bruxism can cause teeth to chip or crack over time because of the constant grinding. People with bruxism can also have jaw alignment issues, so wearing a PX3 mouth guard can help to keep everything in place.

A PX3 mouth guard can also prevent sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition where people stop breathing for microseconds at night because their airways are restricted. Sleep apnea is treated by keeping the airways open, and a PX3 mouth guard can help with that in some cases.

Sleep apnea is a medical condition that should be taken seriously. The lack of oxygen that happens when a person stops breathing can cause the body to change how it operates. While the body is busy trying to make oxygen, an increase in blood pressure and heart rate can occur as a result of a lack of oxygen. This is why it is important to seek treatment if you are a constant snorer.

What To Expect When Using a PX3 Mouth Guard

A PX3 mouth guard is made to custom fit each person to help with airflow when they sleep. The mouth guard is designed to be worn at night while someone sleeps to help limit the amount they snore.

The PX3 mouth guard fits comfortably over the teeth and holds the jaw open slightly to ensure proper airflow. A person might find the feeling strange at first, but it subsides quickly, and the wearer will find it easy to fall asleep. The results will be seen within the first day or two because the wearer will begin to get a good night’s sleep and feel rested in the morning.

The PX3 mouth guard allows everyone to sleep peacefully.

The PX3 mouth guard is designed to allow air to flow freely into the lungs, eliminating the snoring sounds some people make. Once the user gets used to wearing the PX3 mouth guard, they and their sleep partner will be able to finally get a full night’s sleep.

If you or your sleep partner snore at night and it is affecting your sleep, schedule a consultation with Dallas Cosmetic Dental to see if a PX3 mouth guard is the sleep solution you’ve been looking for.