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The Effects of Smoking on Your Oral Health

Everyone knows that smoking causes harmful effects on your entire body but what about your mouth specifically? The most obvious effects being bad breath, tooth discoloration and loss of taste and smell, but there can be more serious periodontal problems. When you take a puff of that cigarette, cigar or pipe, think beyond what it’s…
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A Smile Makeover with Veneers!

Dental veneers are a commonly proposed solution to a wide range of problems. The basic concept is simple: the outer layer of the tooth is removed, and a new, hard, shiny shell is installed in its place. The basic description sounds simple, but the flexibility provided by this basic procedure makes it a viable option…
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Preventing Tooth Decay

We all dread hearing the word ‘cavity’ at our dental visits. Tooth decay  is probably the most prevalent oral disease, affecting almost everyone during his or her lifetime. The good news is that it’s treatable and is essentially preventable. Tooth decay is the destruction of tooth structure and can affect both the enamel and the dentin layer…
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April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month.The American Cancer Society recommends oral cancer screening exams every 3 years for persons over age 20 and annually for those over age 40. Oral cancer refers to cancer that develops in any of the parts that make up the mouth. Oral cancer is one of several types of cancer…
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The Benefits of Flossing

We all know we’re supposed to floss daily but lets be honest most of us don’t! We’re sure you all dread when you’re sitting in the dentists chair and they ask, ‘How often do you floss?’ While you’re calculating in your head how much you floss and if you should fib to the dentist about…
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The Benefits of an Oral Rinse

We all love that fresh feeling you get after rinsing with mouthwash. Did you know your mouthwash is doing more than just giving your breath a boost? Rinsing daily with certain mouthwashes can improve your oral health. We’re talking whitening your teeth, helping to prevent gum disease and fighting plaque! What are the benefits of…
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The Top 10 Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

One of the greatest things an individual can wear is a smile. Your smile can act as a boost of self confidence. Modern cosmetic dentistry has blessed the world with many advanced procedures used to reshape smiles everywhere. In order to determine which cosmetic dentistry procedure is for you; make sure you consult your dentist…
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Getting to know Porcelain Veneers

Before we dive into the benefits of porcelain veneers over other options, it is important to know what they are. Porcelain veneers are essentially thin, porcelain-composite material shells that are bonded to the front of your teeth. Porcelain is great option because it looks more like your natural teeth than any other option. Here is…
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Natural Remedies for Sleep Apnea

There are a multitude of natural remedies that individuals who suffer from snoring or sleep apnea can use. In most mild cases, these techniques help or relieve this sleep disorder. Valerian Root – An herb used for calming and sedating properties, valerian is shown to be useful for insomnia and chronic sleep disorders. Melatonin –…
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Is your Night time Oral Care Routine Okay? | Dental Hygiene Month

So it’s the end of the day. You’re tired and ready to just jump in bed and relax. Before you get to all of your relaxing, there are three things you must do to make sure your teeth can relax with you through the night! These three things are: brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash.…
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