Is your Night time Oral Care Routine Okay? | Dental Hygiene Month

dental hygiene routine

So it’s the end of the day. You’re tired and ready to just jump in bed and relax. Before you get to all of your relaxing, there are three things you must do to make sure your teeth can relax with you through the night! These three things are: brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash.


The most important of the three steps is to brush. At night, before you go to bed, brush your teeth thoroughly and then make sure to run the toe of the brush through the backs of your front teeth. Whether it is right after dinner, before bed, or both, don’t forget to brush before sleep!


The ADA would recommend flossing at least once a day after you brush your teeth. This makes it easier to get in between teeth. . Cleaning between your teeth with floss allows you to reach the plaque that you can’t remove with a toothbrush. Flossing is important because it enables you to remove plaque before it hardens.


Mouthwash helps maintain fresh breath and is the last step in your nightly routine. It helps keep your teeth plaque and cavity free, and your gums safe from gingivitis!

Remember to follow all three of these steps nightly before you jump into bed! For an even more thorough cleaning and to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy, visit Gary Alhadef, DDS. Make an appointment by calling 469-718-0128 or visit our website at