Are You Dealing With These 5 Things? Invisalign May Be the Way To Go
Who needs Invisalign?
When you’ve got imperfections in your smile due to alignment issues, it can have a big impact on your self-esteem. But that’s not all it affects: You may be feeling significant discomfort right now due to misalignment in your bite, and you may be at risk for further oral health issues.
Fortunately, there is a simple but effective solution to this problem: Invisalign. With Invisalign, you can address a number of misalignment and cosmetic issues with your teeth so you can stop feeling aches and pains and start feeling comfortable with your mouth.
But Invisalign isn’t necessarily for everyone. Keep an eye out for these 5 things that indicate you’re someone who could benefit from Invisalign.
1. Your teeth are crooked.
The most common reason people get Invisalign is to address crooked teeth, usually for aesthetic purposes first and for oral health reasons second. In fact, some people get Invisalign to address crooked teeth that are not even visible to others in order to protect their oral health.
When teeth overlap one another, it is a lot easier for food debris and plaque to start building up between them; it’s not always easy to access those areas with a toothbrush or dental floss.
When that plaque builds up enough, it can start causing issues like gum disease and tooth decay. While a good oral hygiene routine and regular preventive dental cleanings do help protect those teeth, Invisalign makes the job much easier.
Invisalign has its limitations in terms of the sorts of malocclusion (bite misalignment) that it’s capable of treating. But when it comes to crooked teeth, it can fix most cases.
2. You have malocclusion.
When you bite down, your top and bottom teeth should meet evenly. When that does not happen, it’s called malocclusion. There are various types of malocclusions; the two most noticeable are overbite (when the top teeth hang far over the lower teeth) and underbite (when the bottom teeth jut out beyond the top teeth).
If you have a malocclusion, you may need Invisalign. However, there are instances in which the misalignment is too severe and other orthodontic treatments are necessary. This is something you’ll need to speak with your dentist about in order to determine what the best solution is.
3. You have TMJ disorder.
TMJ disorder, usually referred to simply as TMJ, is a painful issue involving the part of your jaw which connects to your skull—the temporomandibular joint. Symptoms of TMJ disorder include headaches, jaw pain, earaches, neck pain, painful chewing, clicking and popping of the jaw, and more.
There are a few different causes of TMJ disorder, and malocclusion is one of them. If you currently suffer from TMJ disorder caused by malocclusion, you may be someone who needs Invisalign. Addressing your misalignment can relieve pressure from your jaw and reduce stress on your temporomandibular joint.
4. You’re not comfortable getting braces.
While braces are a highly common orthodontic treatment, not everyone feels comfortable going through that process, and there can be various reasons why.
Typically, patients who are beyond their teenage years—when most people receive traditional braces—can feel a little uncomfortable about the unwanted attention that this treatment can draw. Beyond that, they may just feel uncomfortable with the fact that traditional braces are not removable and are difficult to clean.
Invisalign addresses all of those issues with ease. They’re clear and hardly noticeable, they’re removable at any time, and they’re extremely easy to clean and maintain.
5. You aren’t confident in your smile.
If you’re the type of person who struggles to smile in photos because you’re unhappy about the appearance of your smile, you may be someone who needs Invisalign. Lacking confidence in your own smile means you lack confidence in yourself, and that’s no way to go through life.
Addressing your cosmetic and orthodontic issues with Invisalign is a life-changing decision. You’ll straighten out your smile, avoid significant oral health issues, and earn the sense of self-confidence that your dental issues never let you have.
Need an Invisalign dentist near Highland Park and University Park, TX?
If you’re experiencing one or more of the above issues, then orthodontic treatment may be able to change your smile—and your life—for the better. Dallas Cosmetic Dental is the best cosmetic dentist in the Parks area and greater Dallas. Contact us today to schedule your appointment to see if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign.