Stop Your Snoring, Save Your Relationship | Dallas Dentist

snoringNo one wants to know that they snore. Unfortunately, there are very few ways to know that you snore because you are asleep. We tend to find out we do by a significant other that shares the bed with you, and chances are, they aren’t thinking about it in a positive way. That’s right – snoring doesn’t just affect the person doing it, it affects their partner as well. If it is left untreated, it can begin to cause friction within the home. Here are some things you can do to help keep snoring from playing a negative part in an otherwise great relationship:

Try sleeping alone. By separating the rooms, you and your partner sleep. This is one solution, however may lead to loneliness and frustration in one or both partners.

Learn to relax. One of the easier ways to prevent sleep issues is to relax. Try meditation or yoga. There are lots of techniques out there that will help relax your mind and muscle tension while you doze.

Rein in the frustration. You are not mad at your partner, you are mad that you didn’t get a great night’s sleep because of their snoring. Don’t let small arguments while you’re tired corrupt your feelings towards your partner.

Go natural. This may sound like a fad, but there are lots of essential oils that help soothe a restless sleep – for both you and your significant others.

Work as a team for a solution. Typically, the non-snorer may grow into a degree of resentment for putting up with the snorer and may feel like he or she is not trying to stop the problem.

To learn more about snoring, please contact Dr Alhadef  at 214-368-2434 to schedule a consultation or visit our website at

Dr. Gary Alhadef, DDS proudly serves Dallas and all surrounding areas.

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