Oral Surgery for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Oral Surgery for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Your wisdom teeth are those last permanent teeth to erupt inside your mouth. And, those third molars usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. Yet, for others, those extra teeth never develop. Unfortunately, for some of those who do get their wisdom teeth, it can be a source of pain and discomfort. When this happens, your dentist may recommend wisdom teeth removal, especially if you have impacted wisdom teeth.

Why do I need wisdom teeth removal?

If your dentist has recommended wisdom teeth extraction, it is most likely because you are experiencing some form of pain. This said, every patient is different and the specific reasons you may need yours removed may vary. Typically, however, dentists recommend wisdom teeth removal for the following reasons:

  • Cysts.
  • Damage is being caused to the adjacent teeth.
  • Infection.
  • Gum disease has begun to develop.
  • Pain.
  • Preparation for orthodontia or other dental treatment.
  • Tooth decay when it is not possible to restore the affected tooth.
  • Tumors.

Before determining the exact course of action for you, your dentist will conduct an oral examination and take X-rays of your mouth. Then, your dentist will assess the findings and share them with you so that you can determine the best treatment plan.

What you should know before wisdom teeth extraction.

Now that you know you will be having your wisdom teeth removed, you likely want to know how to best prepare for your wisdom teeth procedure. Your dentist will provide you with specific instructions on what to know in advance, and it is critical that you heed those recommendations as outlined. Failure to follow your dentist’s recommendations before your oral surgery can greatly increase your risk of complications.

In general, you can anticipate that your instructions will be similar to the following.

  • Avoid eating or drinking after midnight the night before your surgery.
  • Ensure your dentist is fully informed about any medications that you take as well as any recreational drug usage and if you smoke or use tobacco products—smoking less than 12 hours before your oral surgery should be avoided.
  • Make sure that you have a comfortable place at home where you can rest for a day or two after your wisdom teeth removal.
  • Stock up on some soft foods that you can enjoy during recovery. We recommend foods such as jello, soft or frozen yogurt, applesauce, eggs, mashed potatoes, pasta, soft cheeses, cottage cheese, avocado, hummus, or soft bread.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing so that you are comfortable for your procedure and once you get home.
  • If you have long hair, wear it in a ponytail or a style that will keep it out of your face for the procedure. Remove nail polish and jewelry in advance and refrain from wearing lipstick on the day of your procedure.
  • Do not drive to your appointment, as you will not be able to drive after receiving oral surgery. Be sure to coordinate your transportation in advance.

What is the wisdom teeth removal procedure like?

It’s only natural that you want to be informed as to what the actual wisdom teeth extraction procedure will be like. Thankfully, the process is pretty straightforward. If you have impacted wisdom teeth, you can anticipate that your dentist will put you under general anesthesia for the procedure. This method of dental sedation will help calm your nerves and you’ll sleep through the entire oral surgery.

For each of your impacted wisdom teeth, your dentist will make a small incision in the gum to access the tooth. In some cases, a small piece of bone covering the tooth may need to be removed as well. Your tooth will then be cut into smaller pieces to make it easier to remove. If you are undergoing local anesthesia, you may feel a bit of pressure just before the tooth is removed. But if you undergo general anesthesia, you won’t feel a thing.

The actual timing for the procedure will vary, but it is usually just a few minutes per impacted wisdom tooth.

What should I anticipate for oral surgery recovery?

Depending on your particular situation, you will either wake up in the dental chair or in the recovery room. Don’t worry, though, as your dentist will inform you of the plans before your procedure begins. Then, once you feel ready and your dentist clears you to leave, it will be time to head home.

Once you get home, we recommend that you rest for the rest of the day and the next day or two as well. Avoid strenuous activities to prevent bleeding. Sleep and rest propped up in bed against a pillow, and be sure to follow the instructions provided to you by your dentist. Following your dentist’s orders is the best way to ensure a speedy and thorough recovery.

Dallas Cosmetic Dental is your partner for wisdom teeth removal

If you live or work in the Dallas area and believe that you or a family member are in need of wisdom teeth removal, the next step is to request an appointment at Dallas Cosmetic Dental. During your appointment, we’ll conduct an oral examination, take a few X-rays, and then discuss with you the plan for your wisdom teeth removal. We look forward to helping relieve your wisdom teeth pain.