10 Uses for Laser Dentistry You Probably Didn’t Know

10 Uses for Laser Dentistry You Probably Didn’t Know

What are the benefits of laser dentistry?

Dentists offer laser treatment for a variety of reasons, but the most important aspect is patient safety and comfort. Cosmetic dentistry in Dallas is now completed using the most advanced level of technology. Our state-of-the-art equipment with Biolase delivers gentle and quality care. Laser dentistry provides a much less invasive treatment option than a traditional scalpel or handpiece and healing time is dramatically quicker.

Some additional benefits of laser treatment include the following:

  • Anesthesia may be avoidable: If you hate the feeling of post-operative numbness, you are not alone. Numbness following dental procedures can cause you to bite your lip or cheek, which can be painful. Laser dentistry helps avoid the need for local anesthetic in many procedures. We use the highest quality dental technology, Biolase, to make your visit virtually pain free.
  • Less damage to soft tissue: Lasers are a wonderful solution for surgical treatment because they constrict blood vessels leading to less post-surgical bleeding and discomfort.
  • No need for sutures: Your treatment can be performed without those pesky sutures that can be uncomfortable when eating. You will heal quickly and naturally as the laser helps cauterize your surgical wound.
  • Less likely to develop an infection: The laser helps sterilize the surrounding area to reduce your chances of developing an infection.

Are you a candidate for laser dentistry?

If you are looking for alternatives to traditional dental surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Alhadef at Dallas Cosmetic Dental to discuss your options. You may be eligible for laser dentistry depending on the type of treatment you need. Fortunately, the state-of-the-art technology can serve nearly all areas of dentistry. Lasers are beneficial for the following procedures.


Tooth decay is common in adults, but fortunately it is easily treated with a dental filling. Laser dentistry helps to quickly and quietly remove cavities without the need for local anesthetic, so you can be on your way without hours of numbness. Your dental filling appointments will now become as quick and comfortable as getting a routine cleaning! Dr. Alhadef uses laser for cavities where appropriate.

Cosmetic Gum Contouring

Sometimes people have too much gingival tissue showing, which can cause cosmetic concerns. It can also affect orthodontics and restorative options like dental crowns if there are uneven gums. Advanced laser dentistry helps re-contour your gums so they are symmetrical, even and will give you a smile you can be proud of.


If you have gum tissue covering your back molars, you may be a good candidate for laser dentistry. The gum tissue that covers your wisdom teeth is called an operculum and when it doesn’t shrink back naturally, it can be a trap for food and plaque debris. Laser dentistry helps gently remove that small piece of tissue so you can give better oral care to your molars and avoid problems like tooth decay or an infection.

Uncover Dental Implants

Dental implants are a highly popular treatment because of the permanent, long-lasting benefits. After your dental implant is screwed into the jawbone, you will go through a healing process for several months where gum tissue covers the implant. To uncover it, a small surgical procedure is necessary to fabricate your custom crown. A laser removes that tissue in the safest and quickest way. No sutures. No bleeding. No pain.

Oral Biopsies

If you have a suspicious lesion, laser dentistry is a way for your dentist to take a sample of that tissue for a biopsy. Avoid a traditional scalpel or surgical instrument that can cause pain, bleeding, infection, and lead to a longer healing time.

Tongue-tie Treatment

Millions of Americans suffer from sleep apnea because of an undiagnosed tongue tie. A tongue tie can affect your oral health and general well-being by causing grinding and clenching of your teeth, TMJ problems, weight gain, sleep apnea, and heart problems.

A simple procedure with the dental laser called a frenectomy can help solve your problem if you experience sleep apnea. Oftentimes people will suffer for several years and even undergo health problems because of a small tissue that restricts tongue movement. In one single dental visit, laser dentistry can help improve your entire quality of life.

Removal of Cysts and Oral Lesions

Every now and then we can develop scar tissue or a mucocele from oral trauma. Mucoceles and cysts can make it uncomfortable to eat and speak. Laser dentistry helps to safely remove these bothersome lesions without the need for a lengthy surgical procedure. If you experience cold sores, you know that they can take weeks to resolve. Avoid the embarrassment or discomfort of a cold sore or fever blister. Dental laser treatment quickly helps remove these lesions to decrease healing time.

Laser dentistry is a field of dentistry that is now recognized by the American Dental Association (ADA) and major dental organizations across the United States. If you have an upcoming dental treatment, discuss your laser treatment options with our compassionate team. At Dallas Cosmetic Dental, it is time to avoid traditional drills and anesthesia and receive the personalized care you deserve.